
The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Association of the Cayman Islands (ADACI) was formed in April 2011 and registered with the Cayman Islands Government as a Not For Profit Company under Section 80 of the Companies Law (as amended) on 14 May 2015. ADACI is a member of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), the international federation of Alzheimer’s associations around the world. ADACI is funded through donations and fund-raising activities. Its affairs are managed by volunteers and include a medical advisory committee.

Our Mission:

  • To raise awareness within the general public about the various dementias with a focus on Alzheimer’s while diminishing the stigma that currently exists;
  • To educate carers on how to interact and properly care for people with dementia; and
  • To be a source of support for people with dementia and their carers and family members.

Our Aims:

  • To provide a respite center or facility for carers where they can come to relax, receive support and share experiences with other carers;
  • To provide formal training for carers so they can better care for people with dementia and themselves;
  • To establish a directory of trained dementia carers;
  • To raise funds for the provision of short term financial assistance for persons with dementia; and
  • To develop and implement an awareness campaign through partnership with various stakeholders including health care professionals and other service organizations.

Our Board:

  • Dorothy Davis – Founder and Chairperson
  • Samantha Connolly – Deputy Chairperson and Pharmaceutical Advisor
  • June Ann Derricks-Richards – Director and Secretary
  • Philip Scott – Director and Treasurer
  • Junilee Brooks – Director
  • Dr Susanne Neita, M.B., B.S., D.M. (Psychiatry) – Director and Medical Advisor
  • Samantha Watler, Director
  • Benoit Sansoucy – Director
  • Jason Butcher – Director
  • Patrick Sakala – Director
  • Charmaine Elias – Director and Assistant Treasurer
  • Rebecca Southway – Director

Contact Us

If you are looking for advice or information contact us on 1 345 924 4170 or WhatsApp on 1 345 936 1655 email: info@adacayman.com